Carousel's "Easy" Litter

Diary - Page 3

Feb. 6th

Cayenne's official due date is Sunday the 6th, behavior wise there is no indication that we have puppies coming today. However, I have been tracking her temperature every 8 hours since Wednesday and it looks like her temperature started to drop early today, I will continue to track but I think we have a drop suggesting puppies within 24-36 hours.

Feb. 6th - evening

Cayenne has had a pretty easy day, lots of sleeping and 2 times I had to get her out of Poppy's 300 crate. She was not restless. About 7:15 she started some digging in the whelping box (kids wadding pool). About 7:30 we noticed some pulling on the bedding and then a lot of licking and "cleaning". More than normal, I told Angela who was here helping me with whelping, maybe we WILL have puppies tonight. Upon a lot more licking and "cleaning" I double checked and found the answer. Cayenne had her first puppy! I have never had a bitch that came into labor so calm and easy, other than her MOTHER Promise!

Whelping went very smooth other than a long wait between puppy number 1 and puppy number 2 - puppy number 2 turned out to be a big puppy girl who was breach birth.
All the pups are healthy and vigorous, 3 pups with rear dew claws. (front and rear dew claws will be removed Wednesday).

Feb. 7th
The last puppy came just before 1am this morning, I slept in the puppy room tonight, with very little sleep. Wanted to get everything cleaned up and laundry going. (there is LOTS Of laundry with puppies). Cayenne is doing very well with her puppies, like her mother Promise, she is very calm and settled with them. Puppies have gains over night (less than 12 hours) but I know they still may loose weight today as not unusual with the first 24 hours.
Here are pictures from today.

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LAST UPDATED March 25, 2010