she had an amazing life
3-20-93 - 7-21-09
I miss her so much
Tessa at 13 yrs old, Summer 2006
Tessa left at 9 yrs, right at 3 yrs - more pictures in Tessa's updated photo album updated 8/06
U-CDX Ch. Trew Bleue Anticipation, CDX RA HCTs CGC, tracking certified
UPDATE Spring/Summer 2005
After a several years away from the obed Ring! Tessa and I are making it back!
Tessa made her debut in the Open ring on Feb 5th!
Feb 5th Tessa earns her first UKC CDX leg and a 2nd place in her class!
March 13 Tessa earns her first AKC CDX leg!
March 19 Tessa earns her 2nd UKC CDX leg with a 194 and 2nd palce!
March 27 Tessa earns her 2nd AKC CDX leg wtih a 190.5 2nd place out of a class of 24 dogs!
April 23 Tessa earns her 3rd U-CDX leg with a first place!
May 14 Tessa did it! she earned her 3rd CDX leg with a 3rd place
And one more thing to do!
June and July of 2005 Tessa earned her Rally Novice and Advanced titles
ABMC National Results
Tessa was my first Malinois, my soul mate, and devoted friend. She is a happy, social, busy dog that loves to play fetch, go tracking, and sleep on my bed. Tessa is lovingly spoiled.
Tessa was the Winners Bitch, and received an Award of Merit, at
the 1995 ABMC national Specialty. Our judge was the well respected Yves Dambrain of the du Maugre
Kennel in Belgium. This specialty had one of the largest
entry of Malinois to date and I will always be very proud of her placement at this show. Thank you to her breeders Barbara Peach and Donna Haworth, for this wonderful girl. Tessa has gone on to earn her Breed Championship, CD, U-CD, CDX, U-CDX, RN, RA Herding Capibility test and her CGC.
Tessa has had one litter with O’Neill, Carousel’s Rumor
8-16-97. Several dogs from the Rumor litter are in performance homes. Two males from the litter have now earned their AKC Tracking Title - and "Brady" went on to become the first and to date only Malinois VST and Tracking Champion! Tessa had a Solo puppy litter born 3-5-99 and Diamond Litter born 3-13-00 with Duc. The Diamond pups have been an amazing litter with 8 breed Champions to date and most of the pups in the litter have companion dog or performance titles.
Click here for Tessa's pedigree
Click here to see her photo album UPDATED 8/06
Click here to see her Rumor puppies
Click here to see her Solo puppy
Click here to see her Diamond puppies
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