The Time Litter
Carousel's Time Tracker, RN, CGC Congrats to Deb and Trooper for earning his 3rd Novice Rally leg on Feb 26, 2005
Trooper was owned and loved by Deb and Bob Davis.
Trooper was tragically lost 6-20-06 during emergency surgery to repair a severe laceration.
The Carousel family mourns his loss, and our thoughts are with Deb and Bob.
Congrats to Deb and Trooper for earning his first 2 Rally obed Legs Jan. 8 and 9, 2005
Congrats to Deb and Trooper for passing his CGC at the tender age of 5 months 1 day old
Green male born 1:47pm, April 8, 2004
Trooper at 23 weeks
Trooper at 14 weeks
8 1/2 weeks
7 weeks old
6 weeks old
5 weeks old
4 weeks
24 days old!
copyright (c) 2000-2009 Carousel Belgian Malinois